How safe is the air we breath?

Air is essential for the surveillance of living creatures. We have to think whether we are breathing a safe air. Are we aware of the fact that nine out of ten humans are breathing the air that exceeds the limit of pollutants? we are not. It is estimated that air pollution causes close to seven million deaths worldwide yearly. (WHO) The sad fact is that its really affecting kids. Bad air destroys a healthy future generation. Source:


There are many causes for this air pollution. Transportation, Industries, Waste, Household activities, Agriculture practices all these leads to pollution. This can be reduced only by the combined action of individuals, government and by the entire country. Lack of awareness among people is the root cause of all these issues. Because most of the people are not aware or not even concerned about the impacts of the activities, that they are doing in their daily life. So as a sustainability professional, its our duty to spread the awareness among people through education, meetings, workshops etc.. It is also important to encourage people to follow sustainability practices in life and help them to break the barriers of culture and believes. All these steps will ensure us and our future generation to get a better living condition.

So, what we can do as an individual to overcome this issue? Firstly, we have to find out the sources and think about an alternative.

  • Choose public transportation instead of private, which will reduce carbon dioxide emission, in turn reduce air pollution.
  • Focus on 3 R’s (Reduce, Recycle and Reuse) to control waste generation in landfills.
  • Use renewable sources of energy for our household and industry activities.
  • Go green, choose more sustainable products which helps to reduce the carbon footprints.
  • Plant more trees wherever we can, enhances the quality of air we breath.

If each one of us make small changes in their living condition that will generate great environmental impacts. Everyone has some commitments towards our future generation and towards our society. Future also has the right to live a peaceful life in this planet. So, its our responsibility to keep the planet clean and secure. Hence as a person I prefer to travel in public transport instead of using our own private vehicle. By lowering traffic-related air pollution in the area, it is anticipated that the transit focused regional plan may avert 154 premature deaths and save $1 billion annually on health related expenses. When transit vehicles are powered by electricity and produce no air pollutants, the health benefits of using public transportation are much greater. According to estimates, 143 more premature deaths might be prevented year, generating $1.1 billion in social benefits (the value of the decreased risk of premature deaths). (kim,2021, para 7) Apart from this, public transit increases road safety and public health.

The below video clearly explains the causes and impacts of air pollution.

Video on Air Pollution


Now its your turn, do comment what you can do to reduce the air pollution? What change you can bring in your daily lifestyle? Think and comment.



CHASE, Public transit: Good for health, social equity and Planet







  1. Avoid burning your trash, burning domestic trash poses risks to both your health and the environment.


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